The Positive Science Center Presents: 



3 Great Ideas to Achieve More Success

  • Leave the past behind
  • Create a Strategic Master Plan
  • Build a Strong Accountability

Maybe you or someone you know needs a boost to get more done?  We usually try to get things done on our own but this SYSTEM really helps!

This Program will make these 3 steps simple to organize, easier to implement, and more powerful, to overcome all the obstacles.

Gain clarity about what you are planning to do.  The professional templates will help you get and stay organized.  Dr. Ryder as your coach will constantly keep you focused on progress and help you maintain discipline. 

Dr. Ryder has been coaching people in achievement throughout his career.  When you utilize his expertise you will accomplish more.  So if you are ready to start working on your goals,  just click on the link below and lets begin ASAP.  We brought the cost of this program down to only $100 so it is easily affordable to anyone.  See details below.

Register for this Program and Succeed!  Paypal or CC $100


INSTRUCTIONS  for  SUCCESS by WEBINAR  Saturday January 4th  4 – 7 pm  Zoom online  Links will be emailed

Prepare yourself.  Eliminate distractions.  Focus here and now on what is really important.  This system is based on the proven techniques that have been fine tuned by many experts over the past 100 years to provide you with the practical tools you need to accelerate your progress and assure yourself of greater success.  This program utilizes the techniques the most successful people rely on everyday to stay focused on their goals and to continually overcome the obstacles we all encounter.  Below you see the outline, the program takes you through each step in practical and pragmatic ways to maximize you reaching your goals.  With the tools below – you can certainly get more done, but if you really want to achieve much more, register for this program and it will give you a 1000 X more power to succeed!

3 Great Ideas for much more success

Leave the Past Behind.  Stop and reflect what has been consuming a lot of your time, money and energy but is simply NOT WORTH the trouble.  The key criteria is to evaluate what is the potential return on this project or goal and how much progress have you made over the past year.  Are you still excited by the idea or has your enthusiasm waned?  What do you stand to lose by abandoning this idea?  Could you restart it at a later date?  Finally, if you clear your agenda of this project will you have more resources to focus on the more important goals?

Create Your Strategic Master Plan – SMP.  This much more than just a list of goals.  Here you create a detailed plan of action with all the important elements that will help you achieve the big goals over time.  We provide you the templates and explain how the system works so that you can maximize your resources and energy most effectively.  You are provided different templates to use the one that works best for you.  The instructions offer you a very simple guide to complete your SMP.

Build Accountability.    This is a matter of developing better self discipline and external monitors of your progress to keep you responsible and dilegent at achieving your goals.  Dr. Ryder will sponsor several webinars to help you create the SMP and then to help you overcome any obstacles that may arise.  He also will have a dedicated Twitter feed that will serve your needs to refocus on what are your current target goals.  There also is a Blog page dedicated to this program for mutual support.

If you have serious goals for the next year, you will need a powerful system to help achieve success more effectively.



Gain Success – Invest in Yourself – Make More Progress 

  • The Achievement Instructional Guide
  • SMP Templates & Task Lists
  • 3 Recorded Webinars with Dr. Ryder
    • How to develop your SMP
    • The most important factors for success
    • How to maintain accountability
  • Building a Timeline through the Year
  • Community Blog for Support

Register for this Program and Succeed!  Paypal or CC $100

You will be forwarded to a special website with instructions and receive an email with files to download and work on… Finally, the money actually goes to support the PSC and its mission.  Thank You.

The Positive Science Center is dedicated to promote more positive energy by helping each individual to reach more to their true potentials.   See the Menu above to learn more about the Center.  Please respond by email to to register for this WEBINAR on ZOOM.  

Zoom LINK will be emailed to you to join


Dr. Ryder is a licensed psychologist, author, workshop leader and an advocate of positive psychology for over 40 years.  Based on his expertise and experience he delivers to you a wealth of information and valuable tools to make your progress more effective and easy.  This program is based on his live full day workshops to enhance personal achievement.  It will give you the practical knowledge, boost your energy and keep you focused on the goals you have in mind.  With this support you can be confident to achieve much more than without it.

Dr John Ryder

This program is to equip you with the tools and a system to make you much more successful whatever you plan.  Especially if you are really ambitious, driven, and have some great ideas, you really need a pragmatic approach to actualize your goals.  That is the purpose of developing your own personal Strategic Master Plan.  When you stop, reflect and prepare how exactly you intend to achieve your goals, then you obviously engage more mind power to succeed.   Whether you have a gigantic project or you have some small personal goals, if you create your SMP – you will maximize your potential to enjoy greater success.  When you utilize this system once, you will always approach and deal with goals in a more effective manner.




From Vision to Reality:

John Ryder, PhD presents the summarized story of how to go from an idea to achieving the goals against all obstacles.

This is an explanation of how positive psychology served its purpose to overcome countless problems to reach success.  This program gives you a practical guide on how to utilize the right strategic criteria to push past the challenges and constantly refocus on the correct goals.  The lessons of building a house are very similar to the skills needed to develop any project.  This program will give you the required skills and perspective take your vision and make your goals a big success.

RSVP   Cost – suggested donation of $50    Date TBD


Meditation on Positive Energy:

John Ryder, PhD leads a guided journey to refocus your mind on what you can identify as the most important and positive future for yourself.

This is a three part program.  First there is a lecture about positive psychology and meditation.  Then Dr. Ryder guides everyone through a long mental journey to explore your deepest essential inner mind and find the source of positive energy and how to apply it to reach your future goals.  Finally, there is question – answer period for participants to review their experiences and explore ways to apply the lessons to improve their life.

RSVP   Cost – Suggested donation $20   Date TBD



Developing Resilience:

John Ryder, PhD runs this workshop to help you explore what makes you stronger and better able to cope with adversity especially in such challenging times.

This event will help you refocus on the hidden resources you have to help you cope for effectively and never feel overwhelmed.  The focus is how to identify and better utilize the strengths you already possess.  Positive psychology relies on finding the factors that make you resilient, motivated, inspired, eager, and feeling in general energized and prepared to deal with challenges most effectively.


Survival Training: Creating Positive Warriors

Our team of experts will lead an experiential workshop in paramilitary tactics preparing the mind for laser focus, the body for endurance and discipline, by training a variety of unusual skills such as archery, knife throwing, axe throwing, sword fighting, use and respect for various weapons, and target practice.






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