If you have a great idea that can have a positive impact click the link below to submit your proposal Submit Your Proposal
This is our growing list of Positive Proposals the PSC intends to sponsor, and precisely why we are seeking resources to obtain the necessary permits and organize a series of events to build more positive energy. Thanks
YES – I want to support the PSC Mission. Perhaps you want to nominate or refer someone to participate in our goals.
The PSC is organizing a variety of programs that will offer you:
Workshops & Lectures
Events & Competitions
Library of Positive Psychology
Some events will be in NYC others may be held in our Hudson Valley Center
We are collecting valuable proposals that are worth sponsoring because they promise to have a positive impact on the community. These proposals come from a variety of perspectives and reflect the diversity of our vision to promote good ideas that can help people in some way.
A beautiful center you will enjoy visiting with plenty of activities or a place to just rest, reflect and recharge. Come visit our fabulous retreat. We offer many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and search for inner peace.
Dr. Ryder is the founder and President of PSC Inc. Together with a group of dedicated visionaries we have established this corporation to create a greater positive impact on our world, both locally and globally. Dr. Ryder is a psychologist with over 35 years of experience and has been a major advocate of positive psychology. He is written and lectured about the subject around the USA and internationally. Now he has focused on building a center for everyone to be able to enjoy learning about the useful tools that psychology can offer to make life easier, more rewarding and valuable.
The PSC has been established to increase the positive impact of positive psychology through a variety of educational, social, and online activities. This website will become our main portal to offer valuable information to make life easier. The PSC is also developing our 5 acre park into a retreat for people to visit, rest, explore, enjoy and recharge. We have already completed the construction of a large Log Cabin on the property facing a lake with a westerly view. This will serve as our main center where people can come learn about positive psychology and immerse themselves in a variety of experiences that will be fun and rewarding. This website explains many of the various events and activities that the center will offer. Please be aware that the center is constantly growing and expanding with new ideas and opportunities for people to explore.
As a non-profit corporation, the PSC is currently running a Capital Fund Drive to raise the resources to pay for the construction and development of the land we own. As a public trust, any support we receive will serve the greater good way into the future. We currently intend to raise the first million dollars to fully develop the land and sponsor the various programs and activities of our group. The estimated cost of the completed infrastructure is about $550K so, any money we raise will be utilized to facilitate the development of this major project. As we raise more money, we intend to sponsor more activities and projects that will ultimately promote positive psychology. You can find the various programs described on this website as examples of what we are planning to do. All donations are tax-deductible according to the law (please consult your accountant). We are very happy to obtain your support in any amount or any form. We appreciate everyone's help even if it is just your moral support - thanks! NOTE: we have already successfully raised over $185,000 since we began our Fund Drive in 2016. Wow - that's great! We must collect another $65,000 before the end of the year.
We have successfully established the center and we have begun to organize a large variety of events that will be enjoyable, rewarding, educational, and in some way promoting the general concepts of positive psychology. The main focus will be to help individuals identify their own strengths, virtues, skills, talents, abilities, etc, and to help people use those positive attributes to increase well-being, personal growth, physical health, prosperity and promote the most positive impact we can on our community. We predict that the center and this website will continue growing in size and activity over the next few decades offering more value to participants and the general public. Please join this effort and promote more positive energy!
Dr. Ryder is the founder and leader of the PSC. As a positive psychologist he has helped guide many families with troubled relationships and offered insight and advice on how to improve the communication between all the parties. He demonstrates that as people better understand the dynamics of the different relationships, it becomes much easier to change the behavior and improve relations. The key goal is to teach everyone to push one another in a positive direction.
A series of Lectures on how to use Positive Psychology to help parents with difficult children or adolescents. Your children are your greatest investment and can be a fantastic source of reward or be a terrible burden. This program is first for the parents of youngsters with a complicated life. We will go over a variety of issues that are common to the troubles parents have with their children. Learn how positive psychology can be utilized to help parents become more effective with their children. There are many good strategies that can give parents the leverage to persuade their children to act more appropriately, study more effectively and become more mature and responsible. The second part of this program will also offer the young people an opportunity to discuss their options and determine how to approach their parents and teachers with better results.
The budget is $650 per lecture. We are requesting $1950 for a series of 3 lectures.
This will include the cost of renting the space and advertising to promote this event to the public. We can also accept space and advertising as donations.
Positive Psychology always offers valuable information to help people manage stress more effectively and achieve goals. The tools that it teaches equips people to see easy to utilize alternatives that improve relationships. When we help others identify better ways to relate, it becomes easy to rely on those techniques. These lectures will offer practical, simple to follow advice to facilitate dramatic, observable changes in the behavioral relationships of parents and their children. The stress in relationships is just a natural part of family growth. The tools Dr. Ryder provides will help parents have a bigger and better impact on their children. A question and answer period will offer anyone an opportunity to ask Dr. Ryder specific questions.
This will give the audience the tools required to help difficult young people adapt and relate more effectively.
To reserve your seat please respond by clicking on Contact above request however many seats you would like, we will send you an invitation with the details. Thank You.
Dr. Ryder will personally run these interactive classes on the practical ways to maximize and utilize positive energy in your personal, social and professional life. He is the founder of the PSC and has over 35 years of experience leading workshops on positive psychology. He is known as a dynamic engaging speaker.
This program intends to develop a school of positive psychology teaching people how to harness their own positive energy and utilize it more effectively to overcome obstacles and achieve their personal goals. This will be a series of classes, workshops and educational programs to explain the specific ways that you can easily identify your strength, and learn to apply them more practically to enhance your power to deal with challenges better and cope with problems more easily. Discover new ways to harness the positive energy you already have to make your life better.
This project includes developing the curriculum, class structure, educational materials, and will include the operating budget of approximately $55,000. Part of this expense will be applied to developing the online educational platform with videos and interactive learning aids.
This program will give each participant practical tools to be more aware of their positive attributes, strengths and capabilities. The classes, lectures and exercises will prepare people to develop their potentials and manage stress more effectively. This school program will be able to serve the needs of 100 - 300 individuals a year at the center and countless others through the online resources. All together we expect this to have a growing positive impact on all participants.
Ben Robinson is an internationally acclaimed illusionist and author of 14 books.
To create a seminar for personal discovery of inherent, often unrecognized traits and talents that enhance wellness in the individual. Participants will learn the basic precepts of simple magic tricks, mindful observations, and knife throwing. These are skills anyone can learn to master to feel the amazing moment of achievement. A powerful lesson in life.
The cost of this seminar for approximately 10-20 people will be about $3500 for a weekend. This will include professional guidance by Ben Robinson hosted at the PSC.
The participants will feel an enhanced sense of perception and physical skills will offer them a life long gift. If they continue to practice, this will continue to develop their skills to improve their world and enjoy doing it more, helping to develop each individuals positive mind set.
Janusz Gilewicz instructor and creator of this program has being painting professionally over four decades . He has extensively studied Renaissance techniques especially Leonardo da vinci sfumato and chiaro-scuro methods as well has been influenced by oriental art. He taught art in school in Poland and continues have private students and apprentices in New York. He has exhibited his art in respected galeries around the world and his art is in the private collections of many celebrities and art collectors.
The Goal of this workshop is to show in easy steps a process of rediscovering within yourself the ability to paint or draw or sculpt . The essence of art is to feel something that you can express artistically, and the essence of this workshop is to get you in touch with your feeling via artistic expression and developing your skills to make art. Workshop will be conducted in Institute and it takes three days /steps to achieve desired goals. Students will be provided with materials and art supplies . Each session will end with the discussion and comments from the instructor. By the end of the workshop each participants art will be selected and put on display with an unveiling party .
Cost of the workshop will be $450 per person, limited to 10 people per workshop. The approximate cost for each event including basic supplies will be $4500 which does not include food or lodging which would be $400 per person. We therefore request a budget of $8500 for each workshop sponsored. For more information please contact Janusz Gilewicz at 646 724.3539
Quite often we catch ourselves with desire to get dirty, put our hands into something, or do something which requires a physical action. Our preoccupation with technology constantly eliminate time to become a creative and puts us in position of being passive recipient of someone else's creativity . This workshop is designed to reverse that situation and get you in touch with real self via simple instructed exercises allowing participants to be more spontaneous and discover how to escape the constraints or inhibitions and enable you to tap into your ability to draw or paint. This special process across the 3 day workshop will empower the creative expression and offer each participant to connect to his or her artistic nature. Workshop is conducted in Institute and it takes four days /steps to achieve desired goals.
Megan G. Sweeten: I have been leading companies for over 15+ years. I have been very successful materially, yet it was not until I reconnected with my Soul and facilitating sacred circles for women, girls, and families that I truly became successful inside out. I would love to share my experiences and work with the PSC.
To host monthly circles and the theme would be based on the month’s Moon (i.e. this month’s circle was The Hunter’s Moon, last month was the Harvest Moon, etc). Reconnecting to the cyclical nature of the moon has been very powerful for me. It would require an open space. I can tailor the ritual to be for women only or family rituals suitable for all ages and including males/females.
Most circles require the following: the approximate cost is $800 per event. o Space to meet (size tbd – currently my circles are approximately 20 guests) o Pillows or cushions to sit on, along with a few chairs if anyone is uncomfortable to sit on the floor o Music access (I can play on my small speaker if needed) o 2 Tables for refreshments/light snacks and an welcome materials o Bathroom access o Writing materials (pen/pencil + paper)
I have found in my work with Sweeten Soul (sweetensoul.com) that the world is craving community and deeper conversations. That we want a break from our devices and work to have IRL (in real life) meet ups. My circles are non-denominational and open to all. The exercises that we practice together are usable as tools afterwards. I want to be a demonstration of our true nature that comes from spending some time with your Soul. The intention is to have a positive impact on the participants and all the people they later encounter with their increased positive energy.
Green Technology engineer with expertise in designing solar energy systems.
We propose to install an integrative Solar Energy system on the roof that would generate electricity everyday and substantially reduce the use of the carbon energy grid. Depending on the available space we can create a solar enegy farm of 5-9Kw that will effectively decrease the cost of electricity by generating free solar power.
To install a complete solar power system will cost between $12 and $24 thousand dollars complete. Once it is operational it requires minimal service maintanence.
The final impact will be two fold. First the green technology will significantly help minimize reliance on electric power from the grid. Secondly, this will provide a substantial savings in the cost of electricity because solar power is for free after construction. This has a positive impact on the environment and on the economy saving money.